Anti Avsan (born 1958) is a Swedish politician of the Moderate Party. He has been a member of the Riksdag since 2006.
Avsan is a former policeman. Due to his political engagements he is on leave from his current job as a judge in Stockholm.
In the book "Affären Anti Avsan" (2008) (the affair Anti Avsan) the Swedish journalist and publicist Sven Anér points out Anti Avsan as the so called "Dekorimamannen" (Dekorimaman) that has been seen directly related to the time and place of the murder of the Swedish primeminister Olof Palme. He has consistently refused to comment on the information.
He was also a member of the notorious "baseballligan" (baseballorganisation) a group of policeofficers, who took the law into their own hands with brutal force, earning their nickname from the baseballcaps they wore, when they out of duty, among other things, killed several homeless.